Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Dad keeps telling me about how him and mom were almost abducted by aliens a few nights ago. 

Okay, well first of all, I think it's kind of sweet that him and mom have started playing ping-pong every night down at the clubhouse in the 21 and up community they moved to a few years ago after selling the house. It's good for them. They don't socialize--it's easy to see where I got that from. I'm pretty sure neither of them were too excited to move into such a place but Mom was sold when she heard the words "swimming pool." I guess sooner or later, you have to face up to the fact that you're getting older. Life is moving forward, without any abandon.

I keep thinking about the story Dad tells me. 

The neighborhood is in a pretty remote part of Florida, on the east coast, well south of the bright lights of Daytona's beach and New Smyrna's oozing suburbs. North of the Cape and the World's first wildlife refuge. North of Kennedy and Titusville and Melbourne and Orlando. Basically, the backwoods. 

No lights around. Dad says they were walking the dog one night, coming home from a heavy match-up at the clubhouse. They were getting to a part of the road where there is nothing but water on either side. The dog was distracted, pulled off onto the shoulder. Mom noticed a light in the middle of the road--described as a pale yellow light, circular in diameter, directly in the center of the road. 

Dad tells me this light stayed in the center of the road for about eight seconds--just long enough to notice. And then it disappeared. Dad says he then turned around to see if there was anyone around but being as it was around 2 am, the neighborhood, which is usually pretty dead to begin with, was particularly quiet at that hour. He says, with no small degree of uncertainty on his part, that he saw a light in the sky flashing away, like a shooting star, in less that a second. 

I've started taking Valarian Root for my nervousness and it gives me crazy, nearly lucid dreams. 

I had a dream the other night about Dad's story. I dreamed about Mom and Dad getting abducted and disappearing forever. 

I haven't had a dream so vivid since I made the Ouija board and later dreamed about a seance involving demons trying to suck me into the nether world and the aunt who was like a mother to me that cancer devoured a few years back. She was trying to explain something to me. The wind was swirling and right as the demons started lifting my feet off the ground, there she was, calm as can be, telling me something that seemed incredibly important at the time. It could have been the secret to the universe but I forgot it by the time my eyes wrenched open.

I drowned two capsules of valerian with cheap beer about an hour ago. The pages of my bio textbook were swaying like crops in the breeze. I can't even say for certain if I'm really awake right now. All I can think about is how I can't remember any good dreams...only the really vivid nightmares. 

I think that's because my mind knows the good dreams aren't real. They're just a reflection of my desires. It's the bad ones that make me question what is going on up there. Those are the ones that stick around, like a bad taste in the mouth. It's like they're trying to tell me something and all I can think about is wrenching my eyes open. 

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