Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Was sitting at the food court in the Marshall Center today when I noticed a girl, sitting by herself a few tables away. For some reason, I was compelled to create a written sketch. I mean, sure she was pretty and all but that wasn't why. There was a certain sadness to the way she sat there, by herself, simply eating. 

She was building a castle out of the paraphernalia cluttering the table, pretending to busy herself with information on the dessert menu resting between the salt-and-pepper shaker and the napkin holder. She sat alone at a four seater table, comfortably wedged into the crutch of her seat. The chicken sandwich never left her hands and was never placed on the table. She ate slowly, purposefully, but with a hint of remorse and gratitude at the food's ability to distract her troubled mind. When she was done, she carefully folded the meal's packaging into a tight crumble. 

Everyone here busies themselves with conversation or their computer. She alone sits alone and unfettered by distraction, choosing instead to savor the meal exclusively. 

I don't usually stalk people like that/\. Sometimes I'm just struck by the way certain people carry themselves and I can't look away. 

I feel like I need to start doing this exercise more often. 

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