Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Let's talk ethics.

Exciting, right?

No, but it's cool. This is actually something pertaining to a lot of people.

See here is the dilemma: I own a bicycle. I also own a pair of walkin' legs.

My point is: I engage in equal parts cycling and pedistrianism (made that up) as a means of movement or travel.

So, what that means is that I personally can identify with both sides of the raging social battle between walkers and bikers.

I've been walking, casually distant, perhaps even enveloped in my music or some engaging internal dialogue--essentially minding my own, only to look up and witness a potentially near fatal collision betwixt myself and a speeding cyclist. 


(that's a fun word)

I've been riding, of course obeying every law and following the "bikers-yield-to-hikers" maxim only to come upon a group of three or more individuals, walking next to each, completely blocking the sidewalk. 

Go around, you say.

What if you can't? What if leaving the sidewalks means riding into oncoming traffic (CERTAIN DEATH!)?

Stop and get off the bike, you say.


Maybe this is a bad example. 

Let's look at it like this: I'm riding towards the wall-of-humans. They see me and I see them. 

I slow. Pull to the extreme edge of the sidewalk. I can feel the wind from those cars brushing just past me. But the people WON'T MOVE OVER. 

Certain death.

This is just plain rude. 

I try to be a conscientious walker and biker.

The funny thing is, when either of the two scenarios mentioned above occur to me in some fashion (and on a busy college campus, they do...often), I find myself cursing the godless heathen clan of the offending party.

If I'm walking, everyone on a bike is out to run into me or make me look like an ass trying to get out of their way. 

If I'm biking, walkers are lazy bastards who toss their garbage in my path and spit on the ground after I pass. 

I'm a hypocrite. 

It's hard not to be though when one finds themselves in such a conflicting position. 

These are the kinds of things we have to deal with at college.

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